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Келси Бонас аттуу тез татым тамактарын жакшы көргөн айым  учакта учкан кезде 136 килограмм салмакта болуп, отургучтун курун байлоодо маселе жаралган. Б. а., Келсиге коопсуздук куру  жетпей калып, борт кошотоочулар курду узартып берүүгө мажбур болушкан.


It’s time for some #mondaymotivation! To the right was me a year ago, to the left is me now... I am literally half the person I was, on the scale that is. . . The girl on the right was awesome, the girl on the left is equally as awesome. The difference between the two is the girl on the left knows her worth, she knows she needs to be healthy for herself and those she loves dearly. She has put herself and her health first, she has went through months of hell to feel the strength she feels today. Yesterdays me wasn’t a bad version, she just loved everyone around her more than she loved herself. . . Take my advice ladies and gents, you are good to no one if you continuously put yourself last. We do it all the time and hell it isn’t easy saying “I need to do this for me” but you got this and we got you! ⭐️💪🏼✨ . . . #transformation #weightlosstransformation #health #fitness #empowered #fitmom #healthylifestyle #healthy #momhealth #momlife #mom #mommy #inspiration #youcandoit #workhardplayhard #wls #wlscommunity #wlstransformation #wlsjourney #wlsbeforeandafter #beforeandafter #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #healthier #life #transformationtuesday #motivationmonday

Публикация от Mrs Kelsey Lynn Bonas (@itsamommythang)

Ошол окуядан кийин намыстанган 32 жаштагы  Бонас бир нече жолу диетага отуруп, бирок арыктай албагандыктан, ашказанына операция аркылуу тамакты аз жеш үчүн аппарат койдурганы маалымдалды.

Бонас Канададан Улуу Британияга көчүп келгенден кийин бургерлерден өзүн тыя албай калган. Айымдын салмагы 136 килограммга жеткен. Бул салмакка жетип калгандыгын ал күнүнө 4 жолу бургер жеп, кечки тамакка куурулган тоок этин жегендиги менен түшүндүргөн.


Face to face Friday repost 🤗❤️ ✨ First let me start by saying to me happiness and health isn’t about weight or size, it is a feeling. . . Sitting at 289 pounds I was sick, I was tired, I was sore. I was far from healthy and I wasn’t living life to its full potential. After a transformational roller coaster year I have had a lot of time to think, evaluate and watch my body. I now feel happy, more energized and HEALTHY. . . For the first time in my adult life I carry, what drs would say, is a “normal” bmi and that is something my body should be so proud of. (you go girl!) but that isn’t what makes me happy. What makes me happy is walking up the stairs and not being out of breath, being able to run around with my kids and keep up, wanting to actually get off the couch and do things. Life makes me happy now. . . My new philosophy on this health stuff is to follow your body. It was screaming at me that I needed change but I didn’t listen. I have learned so much about my body and how it works this last year and we are so incredible. (Side note: Did you know if you are feeling chest tightening that your body may be low in potassium? I do, true story. A few bananas could of made the difference for my irregular ecg lol) If you are feeling sluggish, sore and tired change what you are eating and fuel your body properly. If you are out with your friends grabbing some pizza skip the salad and enjoy. ✌🏼💪🏼 . Life is about balance. Start living more and worrying less. . . . Proud to say I am officially “size happy” haha ! What makes you happy?! . #transformation #bodytransformation #mindtransformation #wls #health #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #wellness #food #mom #mombod #momlife #fitness #fitmom #mtsm #wlscommunity #wlstransformation #itsamommythang #bodypositive #positivevibes #womenempowerment #girlpower #women #momsofinstagram #sizehappy #happiness #inspiration #motivation #fitnessinspiration

Публикация от Mrs Kelsey Lynn Bonas (@itsamommythang)

Бул туурлауу Келси Бонас Daily Mail басылмасынын журналисти менен маектешип жатып айтып берген. Анын айтымында ашказанына коюлган аппарат 20 пайызга гана жардам берип, өзүнүн аракети менен 60 килограммга жеткендигин билдирди.

Өжөрлүк менен ал 76 килограммга арыктап,  учурда анын салмагы кабарлар боюнча 60 килограммды түзөт.

Instagram баракчасындагы сүрөттөрүнө караганда, учурдагы дене-боюна, келбетине өзү ыраазы болуп жаткандыгын байкоого болот


Want to know my favourite thing about losing 150+ pounds ? Look at my eyes... at close to 300 pounds even my eyes were screaming at me, trying to tell me how unhealthy I was living. ⁣ ⁣ Not all people who weigh in where I was are as unhealthy as I was but I was dying internally. I made horrible choices, I was slowly killing myself and my eyes were warning me. Since taking my life back I see the changes in me. I am far from the perfect picture of health (hey who doesn’t love some pizza every now and then 💁🏼‍♀️😊) but my eyes are clear again. They have their sparkle back that was lost for so many years. I am telling you this because I refused to see the signs until my world around me was screaming to do something. ⁣ ⁣ Looking at pictures from a year ago always puts it into perspective for me. So take a minute and do something tomorrow to help you start living a “healthier” life. I am not saying get up and run a marathon... I am talking small baby steps because every step forward is one in the right direction. Who gives a shit about the weight... this is about health! You can do this, get that sparkle back!! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #transformationtuesday #transformation #change #health #healthy #healthier #weightloss #healthgain #weightlossjourney #happy #sizehappy #unhealthy #wls #wlscommunity #rny #wlsjourney #sparkle #momlife #mombod #life #lifestyle #healthylifestylПубликация от Mrs Kelsey Lynn Bonas (@itsammmythang)


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